Kazuki Ohta's Space
Kazuki Ohta's Space
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Kazuki Ohta
SaaStr Podcast #506: A $100M ARR Pivot from Platform Product to Vertical Apps with Treasure Data CEO, Kazuki Ohta
東京大学アントレプレナーシップ教育デザイン寄付講座: アントレプレナーシップ論
All Star SaaS Conference Tokyo 2021
AWS Dev Day Online Japan 2021
SaaStr Annual 2021: The World’s #1 Cloud Gathering
World Knowledge Forum 2021
Gartner Marketing Symposium | XPO 2021
開発者 × 開発者。ノードをつなぐ、エッジが生まれる。
Treasure Data Inc.共同創業者の芳川 裕誠 氏と太田 一樹 氏がLazuli株式会社の顧問に就任
Open Core Summit Digital 2020
Distinguished Alumni - School of Science, The University of Tokyo
NRF 2020: Tailor the in-store engagement using true 360 customer profile
Arm Blueprint: Could the Best Backseat Driver Be a Frontseat AI?
Rise 2019: Leveraging big data for big success
Forbes Japan 2019: The background of Arm's big M&A
Mbed Connect 2018: Developers for the Data-First Era
Nikkei GDS 2018: Spirited Entrepreneurs Challenging the Singularity
Boards, Angel & VC Investments
System and method for operating a big-data platform (Patent)
The Startup Tapes #11: No English, but a Few Friends & a Lot of Talent: Moving to Silicon Valley as a Foreign Founder
Big Data Day LA 2016: Fluentd and Embulk - Collect More Data, Grow Faster
IDG.tv: Treasure Data wants to be your one database
DEMO Traction Boston 2019: Big Data & Analytics
How Fluentd Can Help Monitor Microservice Architectures Through Unified Logging
AERA: 日本人は自分をエストニア人と思え?米で起業時の助言
Hadoop Conference Japan 2014: Hadoopエコシステムの変遷と、見えてきた使いどころ
@IT: Hadoopとの出会いが転機に~トレジャーデータCTO 太田一樹氏インタビュー
Extensive Guide to Hadoop 2 (Hadoop 徹底入門)
Ascii.jp: シリコンバレーの技術者集団”ではトレジャーデータを見誤る
Hadoop Conference Japan 2013 Winter: Hadoop meets Cloud with Multi-tenancy
MongoDB SV User Group: Fluentd loves MongoDB
Using the Gfarm File System as a POSIX Compatible Storage Platform for Hadoop MapReduce Applications (IEEE GRID 2011)
Extensive Guide to Hadoop 1 (Hadoop 徹底入門)
Optimization Techniques at the I/O Forwarding Layer (IEEE Cluster 2010)
Improving Parallel Write by Node-Level Request Scheduling (IEEE CCGRID 2009)
On-demand file staging system for Linux clusters (IEEE Cluster 2009)
Parallel File System Architecture for the Multi-Core Clusters (SWoPP 2008)
Incentive Student Award - Department of Information Science, School of Science, The University of Tokyo
Using Open Source Implementation of Google's Infrastructure (CodeZine)
Gather-arrange-scatter: Node-level request reordering for parallel file systems on multi-core clusters (IEEE Cluster 2008)
Development of Japanese Input Method for the Embedded Environments - 2005
Japanese Environments for KDE (K Desktop Environment) - 2004